Saturday, September 13, 2008

Of bajjis and kozhukattais

At long last… A blog to take one’s mind off the general miseries of the world and especially that perl code back at office (it has got everybody talking excitedly in hushed tones. Too bad they wont let me know what it is) while I sit here nursing a runny nose and an equally fluid mind.

I learnt a lesson today. Never bunk office unless and until u have someone to take of your lunch and dinner. I write this as I watch that cold rasam left out in the hall. (Another lesson – never add ginger garlic paste toa rasam even if u have a blocked nose. It does absolutely nothing to the cold and it permeates the mucous block.) A couple of updates from last week.

  • Had a swell last week in TN. Honored a couple of weddings with my presence and got lots of athirasam to eat too. Also had this ear-piercing ceremony for my little cousin, during which the entire set of my female ancestry condemned me as not religious enough. And had a good look at the saravana stores building that had fired up the previous Monday. (For the uninitiated, it is the Harrods of Chennai)
  • Got this fancy water bottle that I have seen sports guys use. It has this lift to open type of cap. Since then I ve realized that the design of the burette was inspired by this bottle. But then they removed the sucking sound (what with all this silence in the lab and girls-boys-separate-groups things). Got too enthu with it and downed some 5 liters from it in spite of the fact that I had to make some 8-10 adjourns to the restrooms. And repeat of the latter at night. Since then it has been found to be a good compliment to my mobile holder which stood alone.
  • We had to shift our house the week I left. So while the roomies sweated it out, yours truly was eating kozhukattai while lounging on the sofa with the TV tuned in to travel and living and rd classics collection in hand. They make u feel good. (Not classics, the kozhukattais) It was quite a culture shock with the new house, when i came back sunday morn. Can you believe ppl live without heaters in hyd in September? The other extreme is getting lost in the Sahara with diarrhea (You have an alternate choice in both the cases - stove heating and, let's call it recycling, respectively, but u wouldn't wanna take that)
  • On the technical front, by which I do NOT mean office work, had this invite on orkut from a body builder guy which I turned down. You might think – yet another snobbish FCP. But alas, dear reader, it is not so. I have once accepted a request from a guy who was looking to get placed in my company. The thing that made me refuse was that the guy was looking for someone who could develop his English skills. (No laughing, wait till I complete) Which set me thinking that this was so because he thought that I could do with some body development myself. So ended what could have been Armageddon.
  • My brother’s got this funny name on Orkut. Roughly translated it means Gom Bull. Don’t ask me what Gom means. But I am more concerned with the bull part. And he has some scraps from girls too. He’s definitely growing up.
  • On the work front, things have been pretty bad lately. Not much work to do. “But patience brave heart. The world will be yours one day.” And readers, yours too. Then we ll ask Shiv Khera how to divide it up cos if 6 billion (if they supposedly read his book) can own the world, can’t two nitwits and their readers (which is also two, if u count us) do so?
  • Been watching this video again and again. Enjoy!!!