Sunday, January 27, 2008

January 20 - 26 - Exam Week

Time table (no names, lets stick to the thoroughly irrelevant details)
Monday- Subject 1 – morning 10
Subject 2 – afternoon 2
Tuesday- Subject 3- morning 10
Wednesday- Holiday (yey!)
Thursday-Subject 4- Morning 10
Subject 5 Afternoon 4
Friday- Subject 6- Morning 11:30
Now the events of the week.
On Sunday I actually found it(don’t ask me what ‘it’ is, if I’d known I would have used the proper name) within myself, to pick up a text book. Subject 2 was pretty heavy. So I thought I’d finish off subject 1 first. High hopes. Here is what ensued.
4 pm- Hmmmm … what have we here. Lets see.
4.05- yaaaawwnnnn
Some time after that.-zzzz… Dreamland (censored).
6.23- (looking around in frenzied disarray) huh huh what happened? (Spotting the book. Enlightenment) Ohhh...
6.27- Stopped cursing. Threw the book where it belongs. Picked up Subject 2.
7.15- (On finishing the introduction chapters.) hmmm not bad.
7.26- (First numerical). Is this… no this is… or may be this.
7.30- Look up solution. Resume cursing. (This circle of numerical,confusion,solution,cursing continues)
8.15- (after a friend asks- dinner?)Stop pulling my hair. Get up and proceed towards the mess. Curse food, bird flu, birds in general, so on…(not the cooks though. I don’t want to find out if the food can be worse.)
8.30- Everyone around starts cursing me.(finish your food fast you (censored)….)
8.45- Finally done with dinner. Pray that this should be the last time I see my dinner tonight.
8.47- Resume pulling my hair.

4. 00 am- Look at the clock. Decide i’ve put in too much effort. Hit the sack.
7.00- Wake up and take up subject 1.
(fall into a doze every 5 minutes)
10 - Exam begins.
11 – Back to subject 2. How did subject one go? How would I know?
12.20 – Feel drowsy. Decide that a five minute nap is justified. Give in.
12 29- Wake up in shock. Realize, that I forgot to set the alarm.Thank the crow outside my window for waking me up.
2 – Exam time. Browse through question paper. Clueless. I could have confused myself. But the professor wanted to have a part in it too.

4.30- Start on Subject 3.
5.41- (On encountering first graph.) Ahhh… so this increases, and this decreases.. fair enough. (Understood)Rest of the day goes on pretty much same lines.

4 am- Hit the sack again.
7 - Wake up. Lets have a look at those graphs again.
10 – (Exam time.) Ahh graph, this I know. (Start work.) Now, if only I could remember what was on these axes. Hey was this the graph or.. ? (Rub Rub Rub. Start drawing some other graph.) . No not this. **** the one I drew first was right. (Rub Rub again.)
And so on.
12- ah no exam today….
Proceed to waste the rest of the day.

Wish people on their birthday, anniversary. Remind people not to forget these important days.*
Study for part of the day.
Wonder, why am I studying this for the rest of the day.

10- Subject 4
Not bad at all. Except for usual screwups. But I’m used to them.
4- Subject 5
This paper should have been named ‘Use your imagination’. And since I have none, such a warning would have been enough for me to bunk this paper.
5.30- Back to the numerical, confusion, solution, cursing, and hair pulling routine.This time it lasts 12 hours.

5.30- Call it night. Rain. Seasonal Mixup. Feels nice to know I am not the only mixup.
6.27- Woken up by a dozen mosquitoes.
7- Give up trying to sleep. Pick up book again.
7.05- Don’t know what to study. Think up pet names for the mosquitoes.
11.30- Exam. Read minimization as maximization. Proceed to blunder my way through the rest of the paper.
3.30- Good Long night. Woke up 18 hours later.

*Happy B’day Pravee, Ma, Sindy and Anita aunty. Happy anniversary Aunty. And Congratulations Changu. Commiseration to your fiancĂ© and sorry I could not be there.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

January 13 - 19, 2008

On Tuesday I crossed all previous levels of stupidity set by myself when I proceeded to open a door on my own face…
Apart from a 2 inch long scratch on the side of my face it gave me a splitting head ache and might have caused sum changes in the configuration of my brain. This I suspect is the cause for my new found affection for rock music and (stupidly enough)escape room games. Needless to say I m not studying for my mid terms which start coming Monday

In other news one of my friends was in a small accident during which her head hit the windshield, bringing it crashing down. The vehicle spent 10 days in the workshop while she got a week off from internship. And she claims nothing happened to her. I doubt it. I feel she sounds a lot saner. So I here s to hoping something falls on each of my friends heads.

Then one of these days my orkut fortune read –‘the luck that is ordained for you will be coveted by others’ that was the day I caught a cold. I have asked everyone around but no one wants my cold. So in case any one of you do, please confirm. Though I am not sure on how the transfer will be made, I am hoping to come up with something (Yeah Yeah, Dubious Science).

Now, because of this cold I have been drinking only hot water and stuff. As u may have guessed my tongue is burnt. So now along with the side of my face and the top of my head now my tongue hurts too. If someone were to slap me on the other cheek and smash my nose, it would round things up for me. I shall put out a news paper ad to that effect, watch out in tomorrow s Hindu.

My brother’s landlord’s maid has a crush on him.

And oh yeah. Some market here caught fire on Saturday. It took the fire brigade 2 days to respond. 500 shops gutted. And 100 hrs after the fire started it was stamped out. Also there was a blast somewhere in the city on Thursday. On Saturday police say it could have been a terrorist attack. Or a gas cylinder burst or a methane gas pipeline burst or transformer burst. Which is to say that a day and a half into the investigation they hav found out absolutely Zilch. Zero. Nothing. So as u can see I live in the action capital of the world. If my pants catch fire (which, given my inherent carelessness seems more and more probable each day) I may have to go all the way home to get help in dousing the fire.