Sunday, January 11, 2009

28th Dec 2008 - 3rd Jan 2009

Pardon the late post; this has been quite a busy week for me (seriously.) And looking back at it, I just remember a daze. But I know I have to come up with some details, otherwise there will be snide, witless remarks about short term memory loss (I can’t understand why people liked Gajani. Memento was much better.) So here goes.

The thing I remember most about last week was digging into box loads of crap trying to find something that could be reused. Now things like ropes, pins etc. which can be useful were missing (how could anything be made easy for me?) Instead I found dried up paint, biscuit packets from last year (don’t worry, they were appropriately disposed off ) and something with fungus. After that I must have washed my hands enough number of times to give Lady Macbeth a serious run for her money, in an effort to get rid of the stench (I realize I might be coming off as an obsessive compulsive, but I assure you, I am more normal than I sound.)After that I decided that the only way to combat this mortal enemy was to have a bath. At 7 in the evening. Winter. And the hot water had run out.

Which reminds me, I brought in this New Year with an ice cream. As soon as I saw that quality walls cart in the mess that evening, I could feel my throat go scratchy. And then I just had to have it. Well all I can say is that you can expect me to complain about a cold next week.

Anyway, the work I did last week was for this event. So it has been a week full of nagging people well past midnight, making excessive use of smiley’s in chats to make myself sound nicer than I really am and other such interesting exercises. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I had the best deal either. When you go to invite people for an event, you expect them to say “Sure I’ll come” with a fake smile or show you the proverbial middle finger. What you don’t expect is that they will make you sit down and give you an elaborate list of their personal problems.

Come D-day and I found myself on the front desk. So I spent majority of my weekend answering inane questions and trying to look interested in answering these questions. So much so for my New Year resolution. Not cursing. Didn’t even survive a week. But fear not, all is not lost. Not yet anyway. The weekend ended on a bright note, with a trip to KFC. And however much I do crib, it really was fun.

And talking about New Year resolutions, one of my friends to me her New Year resolution was to be happy. Now I would at any given time admit that I am quite dense, but I am sure that a lot of people had difficulty in swallowing this one. So you just order yourself to be happy? But hey, when you really think about it, it’s not that difficult. Now I can almost see everyone’s eyes dance with joy at the mere thought of me running myself into circles, so I shall be brief on this. One can be happy to escape diarrhea ridden birds. One can be happy just to feel winter sunshine on ones skin every morning. There is also happiness in being so exhausted at the end of the day, that you don’t even remember when your head touched the pillow( or your laptop, when you fall asleep in front of it as the case may be.) I can wax eloquent about the so called ‘parabola of joy,’ but then the question remains, why are so many people unhappy? Now since my other new year resolution is to remain useless throughout the year, perhaps this question will be addressed by the more intelligent and expressive( or so she thinks) Flotsam.