Sunday, January 27, 2008

January 20 - 26 - Exam Week

Time table (no names, lets stick to the thoroughly irrelevant details)
Monday- Subject 1 – morning 10
Subject 2 – afternoon 2
Tuesday- Subject 3- morning 10
Wednesday- Holiday (yey!)
Thursday-Subject 4- Morning 10
Subject 5 Afternoon 4
Friday- Subject 6- Morning 11:30
Now the events of the week.
On Sunday I actually found it(don’t ask me what ‘it’ is, if I’d known I would have used the proper name) within myself, to pick up a text book. Subject 2 was pretty heavy. So I thought I’d finish off subject 1 first. High hopes. Here is what ensued.
4 pm- Hmmmm … what have we here. Lets see.
4.05- yaaaawwnnnn
Some time after that.-zzzz… Dreamland (censored).
6.23- (looking around in frenzied disarray) huh huh what happened? (Spotting the book. Enlightenment) Ohhh...
6.27- Stopped cursing. Threw the book where it belongs. Picked up Subject 2.
7.15- (On finishing the introduction chapters.) hmmm not bad.
7.26- (First numerical). Is this… no this is… or may be this.
7.30- Look up solution. Resume cursing. (This circle of numerical,confusion,solution,cursing continues)
8.15- (after a friend asks- dinner?)Stop pulling my hair. Get up and proceed towards the mess. Curse food, bird flu, birds in general, so on…(not the cooks though. I don’t want to find out if the food can be worse.)
8.30- Everyone around starts cursing me.(finish your food fast you (censored)….)
8.45- Finally done with dinner. Pray that this should be the last time I see my dinner tonight.
8.47- Resume pulling my hair.

4. 00 am- Look at the clock. Decide i’ve put in too much effort. Hit the sack.
7.00- Wake up and take up subject 1.
(fall into a doze every 5 minutes)
10 - Exam begins.
11 – Back to subject 2. How did subject one go? How would I know?
12.20 – Feel drowsy. Decide that a five minute nap is justified. Give in.
12 29- Wake up in shock. Realize, that I forgot to set the alarm.Thank the crow outside my window for waking me up.
2 – Exam time. Browse through question paper. Clueless. I could have confused myself. But the professor wanted to have a part in it too.

4.30- Start on Subject 3.
5.41- (On encountering first graph.) Ahhh… so this increases, and this decreases.. fair enough. (Understood)Rest of the day goes on pretty much same lines.

4 am- Hit the sack again.
7 - Wake up. Lets have a look at those graphs again.
10 – (Exam time.) Ahh graph, this I know. (Start work.) Now, if only I could remember what was on these axes. Hey was this the graph or.. ? (Rub Rub Rub. Start drawing some other graph.) . No not this. **** the one I drew first was right. (Rub Rub again.)
And so on.
12- ah no exam today….
Proceed to waste the rest of the day.

Wish people on their birthday, anniversary. Remind people not to forget these important days.*
Study for part of the day.
Wonder, why am I studying this for the rest of the day.

10- Subject 4
Not bad at all. Except for usual screwups. But I’m used to them.
4- Subject 5
This paper should have been named ‘Use your imagination’. And since I have none, such a warning would have been enough for me to bunk this paper.
5.30- Back to the numerical, confusion, solution, cursing, and hair pulling routine.This time it lasts 12 hours.

5.30- Call it night. Rain. Seasonal Mixup. Feels nice to know I am not the only mixup.
6.27- Woken up by a dozen mosquitoes.
7- Give up trying to sleep. Pick up book again.
7.05- Don’t know what to study. Think up pet names for the mosquitoes.
11.30- Exam. Read minimization as maximization. Proceed to blunder my way through the rest of the paper.
3.30- Good Long night. Woke up 18 hours later.

*Happy B’day Pravee, Ma, Sindy and Anita aunty. Happy anniversary Aunty. And Congratulations Changu. Commiseration to your fiancé and sorry I could not be there.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.